from a hopeless state of mind & body
What it was like...
So I guess it should start with my father. A refugee from war torn Yugoslavia at 12 or 13 in Italy, an immigrant to the US at 18, where he joined the military to obtain citizenship and who valued education and hard work above all else as an avenue out from poverty and ignorance.
A stoic through-and-through, he was unable to express emotion or communicate well in interpersonal relationships. Working on his PhD thesis and working multiple jobs, he found my mother slipping furiously into chronic alchoholism, a condition which he could not, after some time, tolerate.
And before I had reached the age of one, he laid down his ultimatum….

What happened...
By senior year in high school, unaware of the changes going on inside me, i was raring to break out from the disciplinarian house i lived in, and it seems like the first drink i took rewired my whole brain in ways i have still yet to understand……..
What it's like now...
After being in recovery for a few years, my life started to iron out in ways i never even dreamed of. The gifts i received through sobriety resemble the desires of my ego but little. ….